Mata uang Inggris dikenal dengan pound, pence (a hundred, a pence), akan tetapi di indonesia dikenal dengan rupiah.
Kalimat yang biasa digunakan untuk menanyakan harga biasanya "how much is it?"
- it's twenty pence
- it's a pound
- it's one pound twenty (pence). Pence biasanya tidak disebutkan. Atau karena di Indonesia:
- it's a thousand rupiahs. Orang Amerika bisa memakai kata dollar dan cent:
- It's fifteen dollars fifty. a baunch of flowers, beberapa kuntum sekaligus (seikat).
Pahami angka-angka yang pernah dipelajari ucapannya dalam bahasa Inggris (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.).
W : How much is this book?
P : It's 16 (sixteen) pound
Sue (W) : Excuse me
Mark (P) : Yes
Sue (W( : How much is that record?
Mark (P) : It's five pound thirty pence
Note: 1 pound = 100 pence
- Excuse me, how much is this book?
- Excuse me, how much is this vase? (vase : jambangan bunga)
- Excuse me, how much is this watch? (watch : jam tangan)
- Excuse me, how much is this camera?
A : Excuse me, how much is this watch?
B : This one?
A : Yes
B : It's forteen pound seventy
A : and how much is this one?
B : It's eighteen pound ninety
A : I'll take this one, please.
P : This book, please?
W : It's eight pound fifty
P : and that book?
W : It's seven pound thirty.
P : Here you are
W : Thank you
Bandingkan dalam ucapan bahasa Inggris antara :
15 dengan 50
16 dengan 50
17 dengan 70
18 dengan 80
19 dengan 90
Jika barang yang akan dibeli tempatnya jauh, kita katakan : I'll take that one, please.
Seorang pembeli membeli bermacam-macam barang dengan masing-masing berharga murah. Mula-nula ia menyebut satu per satu harga barang-batang tersebut, kemudian baru total harga semua barang.
W : thirty, seventy
P : that's one pound seventy
P : Here yoa are.
W : Thankyou.
Seorang pembeli laki-laki di toko bunga sangat kikir.
Penjual : Good morning!
Pembeli : Good morning! I want some flowers, please!
Penjual : Right, which one?
Pembeli : How much eee... the red one?
Penjual : There're two pounds eghty for five.
Pembeli : It's very expensive
Penjual : Well, perhaps the yellow one? There are two pounds a baunch.
Pembeli : No, no. I'll have ...
Penjual : Yes!
Pembeli : I'll have one of the red ones
Penjual : Oh, sir, forty pence, please. There're two pounds eighty for five. There're three pounds for ten. There're four pounds for six.
Harga bunga per ikat untuk bunga-bunga berwarna kuning.
- A baunch costs two pounds. the flowers are two pounds.
- A box of chocolate.
How much of a box of chocolate? There're five pounds sixty.
How much is the milk? It's forty pence a bottle. It tak bisa dihitung. They're two pounds a baunch. Yang tidak bisa dihitung, biasanya dijual dalam bentuk potongan, a piece = sepotong.
It's one pound forty a piece. It's two pounds a piece.
Berikut percakapan antara 2 (dua) orang pria, A dan B :
A : Can I help you?
B : Yes, I need some petrol.
A : Right, it's 48 pence a litter
B : Yes, how much is that a gallon?
A : Two pounds twenty.
B : It's very expensive, I'll have ..........., I'll have two (litters).
A : Two litters?
B : Yes
Ukuran biaya Petrol adalah A litter
A gallon = 4 litters.
A : Can I help you?
B : Yes
Ukuran berat a kilo, di Inggris dengan menggunakan a pound .
Fifty pence a pound
The bananas are sixty pence a pound.
The tomatoes are forty pence a pound.
Tge apples are 55 (fifty five) pence a pound.
The bananas are 60 (sixty) pence a pound.